The Fox in the Forest
The Fox in the Forest is a trick-taking game for two players, each playing cards to win tricks against the other over multiple rounds. Players score points during a round by winning tricks containing specific cards and at the end of a round based on the number of total tricks they won.
Number of players: 2
Game duration: 14 mn
Complexity: 2 / 5
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Play The Fox in the Forest and 948 other games online.
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With your friends and thousands of players from the whole world.

Rules summary
Be the first to reach 21 points or more at a round's end, each round consists of 13 turns
The non-dealer starts, after that the winner of one turn will start the next until 13 turns are complete then wins are scored
The one who follows must play a card of the same suit, unless they cannot in which case they can play anything
After which, if odd cards have been played, these have abilities that can now be activated
If suits match, the highest rank wins
If suits do not match, the decree (trump) suit wins first followed by the lead suit
Card Abilities
1 (Swan) - If you play this and lose the trick you lead the next trick
3 (Fox) - When you play this card, exchange the decree card with a card from your hand (ability can be passed)
5 (Woodcutter) - When you play this card, draw 1 card. Then discard any 1 card to the bottom of the deck
7 (Treasure) - The winner of the trick receives 1 point for each 7 in the trick
9 (Witch) - When determining the winner of a trick with only one 9, treat the 9 as if it were in the trump suit
11 (Monarch) - When you lead this, if your opponent has the same suit they must play either the 1 or highest card in that suit
Round End
Once 13 cards have been played, the round ends and winnings are scored by each player
0-3 wins scores 6 points
4 wins scores 1 point
5 wins scores 2 points
6 wins scores 3 points
7-9 wins scores 6 points
10-13 wins scores 0 points
After which, unless someone has scored 21+, a new round begins with a new Decree. The dealer alternates each round.
You can play a short (16 point win) or long (35 point win) if preferred