Mercado de Lisboa
Modern day markets offers to their visitors various kind of stands, restaurants, and services.
In Mercado de Lisboa, players buy stands in the market, open new businesses that influence those stands, and bring customers to them.
Mercado de Lisboa is a thinky filler title, a tile-placement game based upon the Lisboa city-building system in which players pay money to own stands in the market, open restaurants next to them to improve their profit and bring in customers that earn money for players with matching stands. Mercado de Lisboa is a fast-paced game, very straightforward and easy to learn rules with deep tactical choices.
Number of players: 2 - 4
Game duration: 29 mn
Complexity: 2 / 5
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Play Mercado de Lisboa and 948 other games online.
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With your friends and thousands of players from the whole world.

Rules summary
Game Turn Actions
On your turn, you must take one of the following 4 actions:
- Open a Stand
- Bring Customers
- Open a Restaurant
- Take 1 Coin
1. Open a Stand
Choose one of the 3 Stand tiles in front of you. Place it with your wooden Stand on any space of the market that has neither a Stand tile nor a faceup Restaurant tile.
The cost to place the tile is 1 coin for each Stand in the row or column, including the stand you are now placing. You must always pay the more expensive price.
If you place the Stand tile on a space with a gray (facedown) Restaurant tile on it, take the Restaurant tile, flip it faceup, and place it in front of you where everyone can see it.
Check to see if you earn any money (see Earning Money).
Finally, take one of the 3 Stand tiles from the display and refill the display with a random Stand tile from the bag.
Note: Once you learn how to earn money, there is a sneaky way you can open a Stand when you do not have enough money (see You May Place Then Pay).
2. Bring Customers
Take one of the available Customer tiles, and place it on an empty market entrance (found at the ends of every row and column); however, in order to bring Customers to the market, you must meet two conditions:
- You can only place Customer tiles at the entrance of a row or column with a number of Stands equal to or greater than the number of Customers on the tile. For example, a Customer tile showing 3 Customers can only be placed in a row or column with 3 or more Stands.
- At least one of your own Stands in the row or column must match at least one of the types of Stand depicted on the Customer tile.
Check to see who earns money (see Earning Money).
Finally, replace the Customer tile taken, if possible, so that there are 3 Customer tiles of that type available.
3. Open a Restaurant
Restaurants improve orthogonally adjacent (not diagonal) Stand tiles of the corresponding type. Sushi Bars improve Fish Stands, Tea Houses improve Flower Stands, Pizzerias improve Tomato Stands, Burger Joints improve Meat Stands, Wine Bars improve Grape Stands, and Pubs improve all Stands.
If you do not have any Restaurant tiles in front of you, you cannot take this action.
Choose one of your Restaurant tiles. Place it faceup on any space of the market that has neither a Stand tile nor a faceup Restaurant tile.
Take 1 Coin for opening a Restaurant.
If you place the Restaurant tile on a space with a gray (facedown) Restaurant tile on it, take the gray Restaurant tile, and place it faceup in front of you where everyone can see it.
4. Take 1 Coin
Note: If all players take this action consecutively, the game ends immediately and moves to Final Scoring. In a 2 player game, the game ends if both players must take this action twice consecutively.
Earning Money
Stand owners earn money:
- When a Customer tile is placed that matches their Stand(s) in that row or column; OR
- When a Stand is first opened that meets the demands of existing Customer tiles.
1. When a Customer Tile is placed that matches their Stand(s)
When someone places a Customer tile, regardless of whose turn it is, every matching Stand in the corresponding row or column earns its owner coins. To calculate how many coins:
- Start with one coin for having a Stand that matches the Customer tile.
- Add one coin for each orthogonally adjacent Restaurant that matches the Stand (diagonally adjacent Restaurants do not count). Pub tiles match Stands of all types.
- Finally, multiply the sum of the coins from the two points above by the number of Customers on the tile. This is the total number of coins the Stand owner earns.
Do this for every matching Stand, regardless of the player color.
2. When a Stand is first opened
When you first place a Stand tile in a row or column that already has Customer tiles, Customers seeking your items will earn you money. For each Customer tile in the same row and/or column that matches the type of Stand tile just placed, the Stand earns its owner coins. To calculate how many coins:
- Start with one coin for having a Stand that matches the Customer tile.
- Add one coin for each orthogonally adjacent Restaurant that matches the Stand (diagonally adjacent Restaurants do not count). Pub tiles match Stands of all types.
- Finally, multiply the sum of the coins from the two points above by the number of Customers on the tile. This is the total number of coins the Stand owner earns.
Be sure to check for Customer tiles at all four entrances: at the top and bottom of the column, and at the left and right of the row.
Special Cases
At the beginning of your turn, if you have 3 identical Stand tiles in front of you, you may draw 3 new tiles from the bag, and then return your 3-of-a-kind to the bag.
If there are 3 identical Stand tiles in the display when you need to take one, you may first replace the display with 3 new tiles from the bag, and then return the 3-of-a-kind to the bag.
You May Place Then Pay
If placing your Stand tile will earn you enough money from existing Customers to pay for the Stand, you do not need to have the money for the Stand before you place it; however, if you cannot generate enough money to pay for the Stand, you cannot place it.
Endgame Conditions
The end of the game is triggered at the end of a turn when either of the following occurs:
- Someone places a Stand or a Restaurant, leaving only 4 available spaces in the market. Spaces with gray (facedown) Restaurant tiles count as available.
- Someone places a Customer tile, leaving only 4 available entrances to the market.
Then, all other players take one more turn and the game ends with the player to the right of the one who triggered the end of the game.
Final Scoring:
Each unplaced Restaurant tile you still have costs you 1 coin.
The player with the most money at the end of the game wins. In the case of a tie, the tied player with the most Stands in the market wins. If still tied, then settle it by playing a rematch!
This guy can explain how to play this game: