Romi Rami
Romi Rami is a game that feels like it's been around forever, with thousands of people quietly and gradually polishing it over time.
Falling squarely in the family of 'Rummy' games, Romi Rami features a double market. The first one has number cards, and the second one has contracts to complete.
The goal of the game: Make the most points by optimizing the combinations required by the contracts. Keep an eye on the trophies (they change from game to game) which will propel you to to the top spot on the podium!
Number of players: 2 - 4
Game duration: 21 mn
Complexity: 1 / 5
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Play Romi Rami and 948 other games online.
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With your friends and thousands of players from the whole world.

Rules summary
In the card game Romi Rami you select Number cards to build your hand then use them to complete Contract cards.
Score points by fulfilling Contracts, earning suit bonuses and competing for trophies.
- 3 Number cards and a Joker token (a Star) are dealt to each player
- 6 cards are dealt to the Number card market
- 4 cards are dealt to the Contract card market
- Four Trophies are randomly chosen
- One player receives the First Player token
The game is played in rounds. A round always starts with the first player. Each players plays a Turn in order. The game always ends at the end of a Round.
On their turn, a player must follow these steps:
- Take 1, 2 or 3 cards from the Number card market. The cards must all have matching Numbers or matching Suits.
- Then you may complete one or more Contract cards. Completed contract cards are added to the player’s play area. See the Completing Contracts section for details.
- If the player has less than 3 cards in hand, their hand is automatically replenished to 3 cards from the facedown deck. If the player has more then 10 cards in hand, they must discard down to 10 cards.
Completing Contracts
To complete a Contract, you must play Number cards from your hand and you must respect the requirements. The requirements are always for the numbers on the Number cards and never for the suit. The requirements can be:
- 2, 3, 4 or 5 cards with the SAME NUMBER. Some contracts require a specific pair, like a pair of 1.
- 3, 4 or 5 cards forming a SEQUENCE or RUN. Examples: 1, 2, 3 or 2, 3, 4.
You can also use your Joker (Star) once per game in place of a Number card. If unused, the Joker (Star) scores 1 point at the end of the game.
Once a contract is completed, the used Number cards with a Suit matching the Suit on the Contract are placed in a face-down pile. These are the Suit Bonus cards, each worth one point. The used Numbers cards that do not match the Suit on the Contract are discarded. The Joker (Star) does not count as a Suit Bonus.
End Game
The game ends at the end of the round when at least one player has fulfilled enough Contract cards:
- In a 2 players game, 7 contracts are needed to end the game.
- In a 3 players game, 6 contracts are needed to end the game.
- In a 4 players game, 5 contracts are needed to end the game.
At the end of the game, Trophies are awarded to the player with the most of each requirement at the top of their Contract cards. In case of a tie, the Trophy is not awarded at all.
The Trophies with a Suit are given to the player with the most of this Suit on their Contract cards.
The Trophies with 2, 3, 4 and 5 cards are given to the player with the most of these icons on their Contract cards.
At the end of the game, the total score of a player is counted by adding:
- The score on each of their Contract cards;
- The score on each of their Trophies;
- One point for each card in their Suit Bonus pile;
- One point if the player has not used their Joker (Star)
In case of a tie, the player with the most card in their Suit Bonus pile wins.